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Why Choose TrueCare Medical for Insomnia Treatment? At TrueCare Medical, we understand the critical role sleep plays in overall health and well-being. Located in Lilburn and Suwanee, Georgia, our clinics are dedicated to addressing sleep disorders like insomnia with a comprehensive, patient-centered approach. Our team of sleep specialists and healthcare professionals is committed to uncovering the root causes of your insomnia and providing tailored treatments that go beyond temporary fixes, aiming for long-term solutions to restore restorative sleep.

How Insomnia Treatment Works:Our treatment process begins with a detailed assessment of your sleep patterns, medical history, lifestyle factors, and any underlying conditions contributing to insomnia. This thorough evaluation may include sleep diaries, questionnaires, and potentially a sleep study to gather comprehensive insights. Based on this information, we develop a personalized treatment plan that could encompass cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I), pharmacotherapy, and lifestyle modifications designed to improve sleep hygiene and address specific barriers to sleep.

Treatment Experience:From your first visit to TrueCare Medical, you’ll find an environment where your concerns are validated and addressed with empathy. We emphasize educating our patients about the nature of insomnia, effective coping strategies, and the components of their treatment plan. Our goal is to empower you with the tools and knowledge necessary to reclaim your night and improve your quality of life.

Post-Treatment Care:Effective management of insomnia often requires ongoing attention and adjustments to maintain the benefits of treatment. We provide continuous support, including follow-up appointments to monitor your progress, adapt your treatment plan as needed, and reinforce the importance of maintaining good sleep practices. Our comprehensive approach ensures you have access to the resources and support needed to sustain healthy sleep patterns.


  1. What lifestyle changes are recommended for improving sleep?
    Establishing a regular sleep schedule, creating a relaxing bedtime routine, making your sleeping environment comfortable and conducive to sleep, limiting exposure to screens before bedtime, and avoiding caffeine and large meals close to bedtime can significantly improve sleep quality.
  2. How can I tell if my insomnia treatment is effective?
    Signs of effective treatment include falling asleep more quickly, fewer nighttime awakenings, feeling more rested upon waking, and an overall improvement in daytime functioning and mood.
  3. What types of therapy are used to treat insomnia?
    Cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) is the most effective therapy, focusing on changing sleep habits and scheduling, and addressing misconceptions about sleep and insomnia that may perpetuate sleep difficulties.
  4. Should I use over-the-counter sleep aids for insomnia?
    While over-the-counter sleep aids can provide temporary relief, they are not recommended for long-term management of insomnia due to potential side effects and dependency. It's important to discuss any sleep aid use with your healthcare provider.
  5. Can insomnia be a symptom of another health issue?
    Yes, insomnia can be associated with various conditions such as stress, anxiety, depression, chronic pain, or medical issues like sleep apnea. Addressing the underlying condition is crucial for effective insomnia treatment.
  6. How does stress impact insomnia, and how can it be managed?
    Stress is a common trigger for insomnia, activating the body’s stress response and making it difficult to fall asleep. Stress management techniques such as mindfulness, relaxation exercises, and physical activity can help mitigate its impact on sleep.
  7. What role does diet play in insomnia?
    Diet can influence sleep quality. Consuming large meals, caffeine, or alcohol close to bedtime can disrupt sleep. A balanced diet that avoids these sleep disruptors can contribute to better sleep.
  8. Is it common to need medication to treat insomnia?
    While medication may be used in the short term to help initiate sleep, the goal is often to manage insomnia through non-pharmacological means like CBT-I and lifestyle changes for long-term improvement.
  9. What should I do if I wake up in the middle of the night and can't fall back asleep?
    If you wake up and can't fall back asleep within 20 minutes, it's recommended to leave the bedroom and engage in a quiet, relaxing activity until you feel sleepy again. This helps to associate the bed with sleep and reduce wakefulness.
  10. How does TrueCare Medical support patients in the long-term management of insomnia?
    TrueCare Medical offers ongoing support through educational resources, sleep hygiene workshops, relaxation training, and continuous access to care. Our dedicated team is committed to providing the guidance and tools you need to achieve lasting improvements in sleep and overall health.

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